At Wat Nawamintararachutis (NMR Meditation Center)
Place : 382 South Street East, Raynham, MA 02767-5130
Phone : 508-823-1800, 508-823-5069, Fax : 508-823-1775
Web site : www.watnawamin.org E-mail. Watnawamin2545@yahoo.com
Visakha Puja is one of the most important days in Buddhism because of three important events that it commemorates, i.e., the birth, the Enlightenment, and the passing away of the Buddha. These three incidents miraculously fall on the same month and date. Each year throughout the world on the Visakha full moon, Buddhist monks and lay people gather together to worship in a very special way and to recollect the wisdom, purity, and compassion of the Buddha
09:00 Homage to the Lord Buddha (Somdetphranawamintarasasda)
All guests are welcome to pay homage to Somdetphranawamintarasasda and Congregation prepares “donation trees” (Papah) for presentation as
contributions to the fund for building a new temple.
10:30 Homage to the Triple Gem
President of ceremonies lights candles and joss sticks in honor of the Buddha,the Dharma, and the Sangha, and leads the congregation in requesting the Five Precepts from the Sangha.
Head monk gives and congregation receives the Five Precepts.
President asks the Sangha for blessings. The Sangha blesses the congregation.
10:50 Offering of alms (tahk batr) to the monks
11:30 Offering of lunch to monks Congregation also partakes of lunch.
12:30 Sermon on the Dhamma
Dhammadesana(Dhamma Talk presented in Thai by a monk) Meditation share and aspiration offering ceremony of flowers, candle and incense
President thanks the congregation for their participation.
13:30 Offering Ceremony of flowers, candles and incense in connection with Visakha Puja Day Pamsukula (dedication of merit to the ancestors)
13:45 Homage and conclusion of ceremonies
Head monk blesses the congregation. The other monks join in extending The blessings. The congregation receives the blessings.
14:00 Visakha Puja Day Ceremony
Congregation assembles for a group photograph.
All members and Friends are invited
Free Admission
Please Practice the Dhamma in a temple :pay respect to monks, chant, listen to homilies, circumambulate, and meditate.