Sunday, November 17, 2013 – วันอาทิตย์ที่ ๑๗ พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ.๒๕๕๖
นักเรียนคอลเล็จ สวดมนต์ เจริญสมาธิและกัมมัฏฐาน

Fellow Dhamma followers: Today’s lecture is entitled “Principles of Dhamma for Students” wish to make it clear to you that today’s lecture will deal only with fundamentals, basic principles, and so is especially intended for students, that is say, for intellident people. I shall discuss these broad principles Dhamma (Buddhist teaching) using the question and answer technique, first putting a question to you, and then supplying the answer. Having heard the question first, you will find the answer easier to understand and remember.
This I feel is the most appropriate method of presentation for you as students or intelligent people. It is said that in the time of the Buddha intelligent people never asked about anything but basic points, fundamental principles. They never wanted longwinded explanations. This has the virtue of saving time among other things. So that is how I shall do it today; pose a question as our topic, and then answer it in terms of basic principles. In this way you will get the essentials of a large number of topics, facts that will serve you as a good general foundation. Having this foundation knowledge will bear good fruit in the future; it will be of assistance to you in studying, and in understanding other speakers. On more point, The form of my talk is designed to prepare you students for those occasions when you will be asked questions by people from other countries and of other religions. It will enable you to answer their questions, and answer them correctly, without giving rise to any misunderstandings concerning the Teaching So do bear well in mind those points which constitute the essence or real kernel of subject. If you manage to remember that much, it will be a very good thing, and, I believe, a very great benefit to you all. Now I shall discuss the topics in turn.

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