Monthly Meditation Practices

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Monthly Meditation Practices

April 27, 2018 @ 8:00 am - April 29, 2018 @ 6:45 pm

 What is Meditation?
Meditation refers to the mental activity of sustaining conscious awareness on one thing, perception, concept, process or sensation. This may be, for example, the process of breathing, an external object, the concept and emotion of loving-kindness, a meaningful word, a physical sensation or the perception of impermanence Meditation can be done in any posture, but the most common ones are sitting cross-legged and walking back and forth. As mindful attention becomes increasingly continuous, the dispersed and distracted energy of the mind becomes more focused and clear. The act of sustaining awareness calms and soothes both the body and mind, while the focusing of attention energizes and brightens the mind.
        The deeper the mediation becomes, the more quiet, still and blissful one feels. This cleansed and purified awareness, developed through repeated training, yields extraordinary clarity of mind. One begins to see things as they truly are, beyond the limitations of conditioned perceptions and habitual thought patterns. As one sees clearly, wisdom is born, and thus serenity and insight form an inseparable pair that is gradually cultivated through meditation.
          There are two lands of mental culture, namely; Concentration meditation (Samatha Bhavna) and Insight meditation (Vipassana Bhavna). The details of meditation practice cannot be given here but those who want more information about meditation practice may contact Wat Nawamintararachutis of Cambridge-Boston Massachusetts USA at the mailing address provided below. Wat Nawamintararachutis 382 South Street East Raynham, MA 02767
Email:, Web Site:, Facebook: watnawamintararachutis Boston
NMR Meditation Center Schedule
Please arrive 9 minutes early for Meditation.
Please wear white cloth colors to the NMR Meditation.
Please do not wear shorts and sleeveless tops.
04:00 AM                 Wake up / Practice
Taking the Eight Precepts
06:00 AM                 Morning chanting.
07:00 AM                           Morning breakfast
08:00-11:00 AM         Practice Meditation
11:00 AM                 Lunch break
01:-05:00 PM            Practice Meditation
05:00 PM                 Break / drink “Nam Pana” / Take a bath
06:00-09:00 PM        Evening chanting and Practice Meditation
09:00 PM                 Rest by contented with eyes, ears, nose, tongue body and mind
3.30 AM                   Bell (wake up call)
4.00 AM                  Morning chanting
Sitting meditation, walking meditation
5.30 AM                   Practice Meditation breathing exercise.
7.00 AM                   Breakfast for all practioners.
8.30 AM                  Walking meditation
9.00 AM                  Sitting meditation
9.30 AM                  Walking meditation
10.00 AM                           Sitting meditation
10.45 AM                           Spread loving-kindness & break
11.00 AM                           Lunch break for all
01.00 PM                           Walking meditation
01.30 PM                           Sitting meditation
02.00 PM.                Closing Practice Meditation
Disrobing/leaving from the Eight Precepts
And taking the five Precepts
Meditation schedule is as follow:-
January 27th–29st,  February 24th -26th , March 24th-26th, April 28-30th ,  May 26th -28th ,  June 23th– 25th,  July 28th -30th,  August 26th-28th,  September 22nd-24th,  October 27th-29th ,  November 24th-26th,  December 29th-31st , 2016
We welcome everyone to join our Meditation program.
Buddhism Begins
Where Science Ends
       Science can give no assurance herein.  But Buddhism can meet the atomic challenge, because the supramundane knowledge of Buddhism  begins where science leaves off.  And this is clear enough to anyone who has made study of Buddhism.  For, through Buddhist meditation,  the atomic constituents making up matter have been seen  and felt, and the sorrow or unsatisfactoriness(or Dukkha),  of their “arising and passing away” (dependent on causes) has made itself with what we call  a ‘soul’ or ‘atma’ the illusion of Sakkayaditthi,  as it has called in the Buddha’s teaching.
Egerton C. Baptist,
in “Supreme Science of Buddhism”


April 27, 2018 @ 8:00 am
April 29, 2018 @ 6:45 pm
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Monday through Friday

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382 South Street East
Raynham MA. U.S.A. 02767

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